"Get your motor(cycle) runnin'.."
Before proceeding to the annual motorcycle rally in Sturgis, we met up with former Wolf drummer Steve Palmer in his home state of Montana. He sat in with us on '40 Day & 40 Nights' and we had a chance to catch up with him, and find out about his current activities. This month, his video production company (Audio Visual Task Force) has been hired by the state of Montana to film Montana wildlife and several of the parks and recreation areas. The footage will be used as part of an official Montana welcome video used by the state to promote activities in Montana. Next month, Steve heads down to Los Angeles to work on the MTV Music Awards presentation, watch for his name to scroll by in the credits. To leave him some email, click here.
The Sturgis motorcycle rally is by far the largest rally of it's kind. Held annually since 1945, this gathering of motorcycle enthusiasts is always well attended, with estimated crowds of up to 250,000. For more information, visit the official BlackHills Online website.
17 pictures to follow, please be patient while they load.

Steve sits in on drums

Hanging out back stage
Steve counts off the song

Back to the hotel on the bus.
KSKY and BlackHills Online sponsored the show.
"Get your motor(s) runnin....."
"....head out on the highway"
John and Ron with Wolfpacker Paul Vilhauer and his award winning "STEPPENWOLF" bike.

(Paul's builds the bikes from the ground up, and they are featured regularly in the "Easy Rider" magazine and calendars)
John signs the tank
And of course there was the 'Easy Rider' Magazine model always available for a picture
John is interviewed for the 'Official Sturgis 1998' video
ABOVE: John with superfan Kim Logsdon.
Wolfpacker Tim Meyer in the audience.
BELOW: The rest of the Sturgis crowd....
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